-Download and install Maple Story v.117.2 (Compatable with Windows 8!)

-Download the Client Exe.

-Open your Maple Story Folder.

-Drop the client and the two other files into the MapleStory v.117 folder if you don't know where it is open  "My Computer" and type C:/Nexon/Maplestory 

-Download and Install Hamachi 
Join and existing network: WARNING CASE SENSITIVE.
xVengefulStory1 Pass:123
xVengefulStory2 Pass:123
xVengefulStory3 Pass:123
xVengefulStory4 Pass:123
xVengefulStory5 Pass:123
xVengefulStory6 Pass:123

-Click the VengefulStory client and BAM! You're done!

LINK FOR CLIENThttp://www.mediafire.com/download/jwgfdgnbfwd5u4i/xVengefulStory.zip


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